Pat Choo

Back in early 2013, I started noticing awesome photos from friends’ facebook postings and interest was triggered to take up photography.  Bought my first EOS (mirrorless) Canon camera, a bright red and shiny one, then I took up a few short photography courses and joined groups who organized walkabouts for various genres – landscapes, street, portrait.  Through this, I’ve made many new friends and learnt valuable tips from them during them.

Armed with the same camera, I ventured to my first travel photography trip to Rajasthan with Photovivo. My inexperience taught me a lesson – I need more than one battery!  All the professionals were carrying bazookas and the whole works, and mine was like a toy.  I’ve followed Photovivo and also with friends for travel photography, covering China, Taiwan, Myanmar, Indonesia, Norway, Japan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, New Zealand. 

In 2018, my interest gravitated to nature photography – birds, wildlife and macro. I’m awed by the wonders and beauty of nature, and enjoy learning by observing and about their behaviors which make me appreciate them more. Besides Singapore’s nature reserves and parks, I look out for interesting wildlife/nature photography opportunities. And my equipment are mainly Olympus and Sony.